"Everybody thinks, if u r a housewife, u have all the time in the world...u have no worries...u r free! How can I be free? Taking care of a husband and two little devils is a full time job. And it gets even worse,when everyone wants to do their own thing. The way I see it, the more responsible my husband and my children become, the more FREEDOM I get!"
full freedom.
Never asked them what they did with their money or their time. Always let them watch their favourite T.V. shows. Never interfered with their choice of career. Their life partners too. I was a concerned father, not a controlling father. Now that I'm retired, I want them to give me back the same FREEDOM that I gave them!"
These were just a few....there are many others who are not yet free, in one way or the other.
Friends, on this Independence day, Let's bring smiles. Let's try in our own ways, and give FREEDOM to someone in bondage!