Why does it think that it has got a right over someone?
Why does it not think before scolding someone?
Why doesn't it think before showing anger on someone?
And then...
Why does it cry when it hurts someone?
on the otherhand, it should laugh !
Why does it become sad when that someone is sad?
on the otherhand, it shouldn't mind!
Why does it reach out to help that someone?
even though that someone doesn't need it!
Why does it care so much for that someone?
even though that care is too much for that person!
Why does it say sorry to that person?
even when it isn't it's fault!
Why doesn't that someone understand this mind?
when it tries so much to do so!
Oh mind! Why do u do all this?
Why can't u be just with me?
Why don't u understand
You are alone...and that's your true nature !!!