Hi friends,
I remember one of my Professors telling us the importance of blood donation in my 1st year MBBS. That talk of his, had a great impact on my mind and I have been donating blood atleast once in an year since then. Whenever I donate blood, I feel a sense of satisfaction, a feeling that even I have got something to give to somebody!
This morning, I was feeling a bit low due to some reason. Just then, one of my cousins called me up asking for my blood group. One of his friends' 3 yr old son was admitted in the hospital and needed blood urgently. Fortunately, my group matched with his. So we rushed to the blood bank for the donation. After having bled myself, I was relaxing in the guest room of the blood bank. Just then, I saw a small paper stuck on the wall. Something was written on that, which brought a smile on my face. I would like to put that down here.
When you donate blood,
you save someone's father,husband,sister,daughter.
You turn tears into a new glitter of light in the eyes,
Doom into a new hope.
You avert a tragedy,
that would have shattered someone's life
and created a dreadful vaccum in a family!
And by giving blood,
you too have made a new blood tie.
t on;
Pass it on;
'Twas not given for thee alone,
Pass iLet it travel down the years,
Let it wipe another's tears,
'Til in Heaven the deed appears -
Pass it on.
Let it wipe another's tears,
'Til in Heaven the deed appears -
Pass it on.
I kept thinking, what's it that's making me so sad? I've no right to frown when I'm here to make others smile. Miles to go before I sleep....miles to go before I sleep!
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